Friday, December 27, 2019

Word Families to Support Decoding Skills in Children with Disabilities

Spelling with word families and rhyming words helps young children connections in both reading and writing. Seeing the relationships between these words helps students with disabilities predict new words by using known word patterns.  It supports their future success in literacy. Word families help support word recognition and generalizing decoding skills.  The following word families include word cards that you can reproduce and use in:   Word Sorts Print the pdfs for a couple of the word families:  start with the same rather than different vowel sounds, so the children will recognize them.  You can either create a two column page with the family at the top and then have the children do the sort individually, or you can print them and have students sort them in small groups on a piece of chart paper.   Learning centers: Print the word family cards on card stock, and put them in resealable sandwich or quart bags with a sorting template.  Have students at the learning center sort them.   Additive activities:   Continue to add word families: Have students take turns pulling cards in the sort and placing them on the chart paper.  Or add magnetic strips on the back of the cards and have groups of students sort the words on to a magnetic white board. Sort Games:   Sort War:   Print two word families on card stock.  Assign each child a word family.  When they snap the cards the one who puts on on the top gets to keep the pair.   Sort hearts.  Run several word families and shuffle them together.  Deal the cards to groups of three or four, 5 or 6 to each.  Leave the remainder in a stack.  Students can create sets to lay down when they have three words in a word family.  Play till all the cards are laid down.   All word families. ack back, black, crack, pack, quack, rack, sack, snack, stack, tack, track, whack. ad ad, dad, fad, glad, grad, had, lad, mad, pad, rad, sad, tad. ail fail, hail, jail, mail, nail, pail, rail, sail, snail, tail. ain brain, chain, drain, gain, grain, main, pain, plain rain, stain, strain, train. ake bake, cake, flake, make, rake, take. ale bale, male, pale, scale, tale, whale. all ball, call, fall, hall, mall, small, tall, wall. am am, ham, jam, slam, spam, yam. ame blame, came, flame, frame, game, lame, name, same, tame. an an, ban, can, fan, man, pan, plan, ran, tan, van. ank bank, blank, crank, drank, plan, sank, spank, tank, thank, yank. ap cap, clap, flap, gap, lap, map, nap, rap, sap, slap, scrap, tap. ar are, bar, char, car, far, jar, par, scar, cigar, guitar. ash ash, bash, cash, crash, dash, flash, gash, hash, mash, rash, sash, slash, smash, splash, trash. at at, bat, brat, cat, fat, hat, mat, pat, rat, sat, spat, tat, that, vat. aw claw, draw, flaw, jaw, law, paw, straw, thaw. ay away, bay, clay, day, gay, gray, hay, lay, may, okay, pay, play, way, spray, stay, tray, way. o generalize decoding skills.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Free Will And The Brain Capacity - 850 Words

I’ve come to understand that there are two kinds of people on this Earth: those who believe in fate, and those who believe that their actions affect their future. When going through a hard time, do you believe you are in that situation because of the choices you made, or do you believe that fate has put you exactly where you need to be? What is free will? As stated in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, free will is â€Å"the ability to choose how to act; the ability to make choices that are not controlled by fate or God.† Are we free? Do we have the brain capacity to exercise free will? This is a widely debated topic by scientists and philosophers alike. The answer is almost always no. There is no way that we are completely free. But why do they think this? Most scientists believe that everything is predetermined. Scientists Hans Helmut Kornhuber and Là ¼der Deecke discovered a phenomenon called â€Å"readiness potential.† They discovered that the brain entrs into a certain state prior to conscious awareness. Basically, your brain knows what it is going to do before your conscious knows. They believed that there is no room in our brain, in our society, to be completely free and to exercise free will. It’s just impossible. Even Charles Darwin, the father of the theory of evolution, said â€Å"everything in nature is the result of fixed laws.† Why don’t we have free will? One theory that we see repeated in history is cosmological determinism. This is the notion that everything happens in aShow MoreRelatedThe Human Body : An Intricate Construct Of Various Systems Working Together1380 Words   |  6 Pagescontrolled by specific divisions of the brain. The movement of the various organs at work for such processes can be observed and recorded with today’s technological advancements. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Tourism and Hotel Professional Development

Question: Dicuss about the Report for Tourism and Hotel Professional Development. Answer: Introduction: In the contemporary competitive world, the personal as well as professional development plays a very significant part in enriching the career of any individual. The professional development refers to the procedures, which are undertaken aiming to increase as well as enhance the working capabilities of any staff. These procedures include training programs, extensive education as well as shadow learning. The professional development also enhances the individuals motivation as well as performance with respect to their jobs. This article allows developing a working portfolio for assisting to identify career goals as well as the selection of organizations that will be influential for pursuing the internship and the positions of employment. The article also provides a distinct justification to opt for the respective organization. It is highly important to set goal in order to plan the career in an effective fashion. This article sets most efficient goal that will guide the career planning. My Career: According to the latest report, there are more than 6807 hotels in Australia, which are heavily packed with regular tourist. As Australian government extensively focuses on the enhancement of the tourism sector, the demand of the skilled employees in the hospitality sectors of Australia are increasing in a significant fashion. In this situation, numerous studies has identified a definite gap between the employee demand and the availability of the skilled employees. The skilled employees are the true essence of the service provision in any given hospitality setting. Therefore, the organizations are highly focused on acquiring a number of skilled employees that will eventually enhance their performance (Brekelmans et al. 2013). According to the requirement of the hospitality industry, the hotel schools emphasized on several attributes, which are highly significant in providing the most impressive service to the customers. These attributes are effective leadership skills, perception of the customer satisfaction principles, training adaptability, communication skills along with motivational suitability (Wang and Tsai 2014). Therefore, it is evident that the graduate employees will be most competent for providing the service to the customers. In addition to that, the hotel schools also set up the mindset of the students so that they can easily adopt with the work environment of any hospitality setting. Therefore, it can be easily concluded that with graduate position I would have a greater opportunity to achieve a broader career in hospitality sector. The career planning refers to the numerous procedures as well as planning that assists to develop the career in a most satisfactory fashions. In order to develop a well-planned career for any individual, goals must be set in such a manner that the individual can pave their career with greater accomplishment. According to Forret (2014), the career management refers to the cognizant arrangement of the engagements as well as activities within the period of the working life. This management ensures that the individual can fulfill their desire, grow prosperously and attain financial stability. It has been observed by Vuori et al. (2012) that career planning is highly beneficial for generating motivational factor among the employees that helps them to enhances their performance. On the other hand, Kong et al. (2012) argued that career planning lacks the necessary objectivity that is imperative for enhanced career. As the career planning is extensively depended on the goal settings, it is not effective for the improper goals. If the employees falter to set appropriate goals, the career planning will eventually lead towards the reduction of performance level. Nachmias and Walmsley (2015) disclosed that the career planning reduce the chance of advancement. As the employees are dead set to achieve their goals, they ignore the chance of better prospect. In this context, Kong (2013) contradicted that the career planning should have the features that will allow the employees to modify their plan according to the instant opportunities. In addition, they can always undertake another goal after accomplishing the previous one. Therefore, it can be said that career planning can no way hinder the accomplishment of better career opportunities. Being a graduate from the hotel school, I am highly familiar with the principles of the hospital management. I know that the customer satisfaction is the true essence of the performance in the hospitality sector. I have adapted all the skills and abilities to provide an excellent quality service to the customers. In this context, I believe that I would be most successful in the hospitality sector to attain the most impressive career. I have evaluated various potential organizations that will be appropriate, for starting my employment career. Amongst these organizations, The Hotel Windsor Melbourne is most popular hospitality setting for its quality service provision. The hotel is highly focused on inspiring development program for its employees concerning skills and abilities (Lent et al. 2013). It will provide me a greater opportunity to enrich my work experience under the supervision of renowned experienced seniors in hospitality sectors. Therefore, I have selected The Hotel Windso r Melbourne for starting my career as an employee. Goal Setting: The short-term goals refer to the activities of the employees that have to be accomplished within a short period of time limit. These goals are mostly focused on enhancing the skills and abilities of the employees, which will be influential for enhancing their level of performance. At the same time, the long term goal refers to the activities of the employees that have to be accomplished within a long period of time (Tolentino et al. 2014). These goals are concentrated on acquiring several attributes with longer practices and training program within a broader time range. In order to set the goal, I have been highly motivated as well as assisted by The Goal Setting Theory. This particular theory has been formed by Edwin Locke in the year of 1960. This particular theory states that the performance of any individual is deeply linked with their set goals. It also reveals that as much the goals are challenging and specific, the fulfillment of the same will provide that amount of enhancement towards their task performance (Kiresuk et al. 2014). According to the theory, the goals are able to provide effective indicate to understand how much they have to put their effort in their professional development. The theories consist of several crucial attributes that defines the effectiveness of the set goals. These attributes are discussed below: The goals must be specific and clear so that I can understand the working function and achieve better performance output after achieving the goal. The goals also should be challenging as well as realistic so that employees put extra effort to accomplish the target. These phenomenons enhance their level of performance. The goal setting theory encourages setting the goal as per the efficiency of the individual. These attributes will help me to avoid any kind of futile effort towards the development program. In order to achieve the goal I fully need to commit to achieve the goals. These particular attributes will be effective for achieving the goals in an impressive manner. The goal setting theory has been highly effective for setting the goal in my personal and professional development. It has enhanced my motivation as well as confidence so that I can approach each goal with a determined mindset. This has been able to improve my work completion ability in an efficient fashion. I have been able to assess my progression by the techniques stated by goal setting theory. This phenomenon helped to perceive the level of effort have to be put in their professional development program. Short Term Goals Activities Time frame Enhancing Communication skills Learning alternative Language 2 years Pursuing training for non-verbal communication skills Acquiring efficient service provision skills Shadow Learning Pursuing Training Acquiring Technical abilities Undertaking training program Long Term Goals Activities Time frame Enhancing Leadership Skills Pursuing Training 10 years Enhancing Management Skills Studying the regulations Undertaking training program Table 1: 5 important goals in hospitality sectors (Source: Created by Author) As identified from various studies the most important goals in the hospitality sector is acquiring enhanced communication skills (Lent 2013). The communication skill will be able to improve my quality of service provision. For instance, I can communicate with the foreign customers by learning alternative language. I can also undertake the training of nonverbal communication skill in order to communicate with customers that have the oral as well as hearing disability. In addition to that, enhanced service provision skills also plays a greater part with respect to satisfy the customers. I can undertake training and watch my seniors to obtain the tricks to provide a better service. In this technologically prosperous world, the employees of the hospitality sectors must be aware of the technical specifications that are influential for providing satisfactory service. In the context of long run in the career, the employees need to enhance management skills so that they can be promoted withi n the organization. In this context, the enhanced leadership skills will help me to lead the team and organization at the time of crisis. Conclusion: Above-discussed article has been able to indicate the importance of career planning. It has also revealed that there are critical argument regarding the advantage as well as limitation of the career planning. Being a graduate from hotel school, I came to know that there are attractive opportunity for me in the hospitality sector. After evaluating a number of organizations, I have selected The Hotel Windsor Melbourne for starting my career. The goal setting theory has taken an impressive part in setting my goals up. The major goals that have been identified in the hospitality sector are enhancing communication skills, acquiring efficient service provision skills, enhancing leadership skills, acquiring technical abilities and enhancing management skills. Reference List: Brekelmans, G., Poell, R.F. and van Wijk, K., 2013. Factors influencing continuing professional development: A Delphi study among nursing experts.European Journal of Training and Development,37(3), pp.313-325. Forret, M., 2014. Networking as a Job-Search Behavior and Career Management Strategy. InThe Oxford Handbook of Job Loss and Job Search. Kiresuk, T.J., Smith, A. and Cardillo, J.E., 2014.Goal attainment scaling: Applications, theory, and measurement. Psychology Press. Kong, H., 2013. The Influence of Hotel Organizational Career Management on Career Competencies. InLISS 2012(pp. 1019-1024). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Kong, H., Cheung, C. and Song, H., 2012. From hotel career management to employees career satisfaction: The mediating effect of career competency.International Journal of Hospitality Management,31(1), pp.76-85. Lent, R.W., 2013. Careerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ life preparedness: Revisiting career planning and adjustment in the new workplace.The Career Development Quarterly,61(1), pp.2-14. Lent, R.W., Brown, S. and Hackett, G., 2013. Career Development. Nachmias, S. and Walmsley, A., 2015. Making career decisions in a changing graduate labour market: A Hospitality perspective.Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport Tourism Education,17, pp.50-58. Tolentino, L.R., Garcia, P.R.J.M., Lu, V.N., Restubog, S.L.D., Bordia, P. and Plewa, C., 2014. Career adaptation: The relation of adaptability to goal orientation, proactive personality, and career optimism.Journal of Vocational Behavior,84(1), pp.39-48. Vuori, J., Toppinen-Tanner, S. and Mutanen, P., 2012. Effects of resource-building group intervention on career management and mental health in work organizations: randomized controlled field trial.Journal of Applied Psychology,97(2), p.273. Wang, Y.F. and Tsai, C.T., 2014. Employability of hospitality graduates: Student and industry perspectives.Journal of Hospitality Tourism Education,26(3), pp.125-135.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Load Of The Flies Essays - English-language Films, Lord Of The Flies

Load Of The Flies LORD OF THE FLIES My report is about the very well known book Lord of the flies, by William Golding. There are many characters in this book, but the most important ones are Ralph, Jack, Simon, Piggy, and Roger. When I read this book I discovered a great change in most of their personalities, especially Jack's. So I would say that they are all dynamic characters. Ralph, in the beginning of the novel, had a boyish personality. Then later on in the novel, he became much more mature due to the fact that all of them had to live in a more civilized manner to get a long and to survive while waiting to be rescued. Jack, in the beginning of the novel was Ralph's most powerful antagonist. Then later on turned against Ralph and becomes leader. Simon is a unique character in the novel. He remains largely uninvolved with any of the power struggles between Ralph and Jack. He was killed. Roger is very mean. He killed Piggy by pushing a big bolder on top of him. Piggy was the intellectual in the group. He complained a lot in the beginning, but later on became more mature. But, unfortunately, he was killed by Roger. The novel begins about a group of English people who are marooned on a tropical island when the plane evacuating them from atomic war-torn England crashes. So now this group of boys are alone on this island. Then Ralph called an assembly to talk to the other guys about making a plan to get along and survive. The struggle starts in trying to make rules for the group to live by. There were many more conflicts through out the novel. But the main conflict is the boys trying to get along with each other and survive while waiting to be rescued from a deserted island. There are also some major conflicts between Ralph and Jack over trying to be the leader of the group. I enjoyed this book because it showed me what can happen when people are put in a desperate situation where there are no rules or social structure and how different personalities react to this lack of order. It also showed me how much one person can make a difference. Book Reports